Dr Charlotte Daker

Endoscopy, Gastroenterology


Dr Charlotte Daker


MB BS 2006 London; FRACP 2019 – Internal medicine

Special interests
  • Neurogastroenterology
  • Motility including manometry and body surface gastric mapping.
Special Training

Tena koe, Ko Dr Charlotte Daker taku ingoa. I am a consultant gastroenterologist working at Shakespeare Gastroenterology alongside my colleagues, Dr Zoe Raos, Dr Nathan Atkinson and Dr Dominic Ray-Chaudhury. I perform endoscopy at Shore Surgery and work part time in the Waitematā Distict Health Board.  I am a general gastroenterologist and endoscopist.  My special interests are in neurogastroenterology and motility including manometry and body surface gastric mapping.  

Originally from the UK, I commenced my gastroenterology training in London, where I completed 3 years before I undertook a sabbatical to sail across the Pacific as medical officer on board.  I have since completed my training in New Zealand.  I am passionate about improving equity and the patient experience and lead the several Multidisciplinary Teams in the DHB. Together the team have developed national resources for patients and clinicians alike including diagnostic and treatment algorithms. 

My interest in this has opened doors to further research and work with the innovative gastric myoelectrical mapping physiological testing start up from Auckland University, Alimetry.  In my downtime I enjoy rock music and endurance sport – everything from Iron Maiden to IronMan triathlon.